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Cinderfella Page 4

  “You have the magic touch.” I sigh.

  “K.” His fingers leave my head and I wish them back again. “Thirty minutes.” He checks his watch.

  “I bet I look a sight.” I lower my chin. No one, not even my sister has seen me this exposed before. And I feel it, I feel naked before him.

  “You always look great, Ellie.” He says without sarcasm.

  “Thanks.” I still can’t look at him. Luckily for me, it’s Gus’s feeding time and he spends most of the thirty minutes doing that.

  “So,” I say trying to break the silence. “Your brothers, they’re in high school?”

  “Yep. Final year before they’re spat out into the real world and have to think of either college or working for a living.” Rolling his eyes, he turns back to Gus.

  “What is it they want to do?”

  “Bruno, the slightly older one, wants to be a rugby player. Guess he’s got the build for it. Jack, the marginally nicer one, wants to go to college and do business or something. Reckon they’ll do well if only they weren’t a pair of complete shit heads…no, they must have some good qualities… they’re just very good at hiding them.”

  “There you go again, seeing the good in people.” I check the time, only another five minutes to go.

  “I try. After all, if they’re only what we see, then that would be quite depressing.” He pulls the bottle away from Gus. “Wow, you were a greedy little pig today.” He pats his head affectionately.

  “Why do they hate you so much?”

  “That’s a question I’ve had forever. Sometimes I think my father made up lies about me to take the heat off his drinking guilt. But I don’t know…He never treated me the same after we lost her…Jack’s pretty odd, always hanging about spying on me for dad. And Bruno, well I shouldn’t be mean, but there’s always been something really dark about him.” I sigh. “Like serial killer dark. I can’t put my finger on it. I’m sure I must have him all wrong…God I hope so.”

  “So, they’re twins, are they identical?”

  “God no, they are so completely unalike. Bruno’s short, and a muscle head. Dark hair and brown eyes, whereas Jack is tall, skinny and a red head like our, their mum.”

  “She was your mother too, Ash.”

  “I guess. So, what about you? Do you have any annoying brothers or sisters?”

  “Just a sister, Phoebe. She’s lovely most of he time. She’s a few years younger than me, so about the same as your brothers. We talk all the time, yes, sometimes she’s prone to pout to get her own way, but father usually lets her have it. He always treated her like the baby and me like the one who should be more grateful.”

  “Guess both our fathers are arseholes.” Ash checks his watch again. “Time.”

  “Good. I’m getting restless.” He runs the tap until it’s warm.

  “Are you okay to lean backwards over the sink?”


  “Here put this under your neck.” He rolls up one of his jumpers and places it behind my neck.

  “It’ll get dye on it.” I protest.

  “It’s just an old jumper,” He smiles down, his face inches over mine. “Ready?”

  “Ready.” He fills the jug and slowly pours it over my hair, over and over until the water runs from red to pink to almost clear. He’s so gentle.

  “I won’t break.” I tell him.

  “I don’t want to hurt you.” His eyes lock with mine and I wonder if he’s talking about my hair still. I take a big gulp, willing him to close the gap between us and just kiss me. I know it’s extremely selfish, but I just want to know what he tastes like, just once. I’m a princess and should be allowed anything I want, but I can’t have him. He looks at my lips for a split second and swallows hard before turning off the taps. “You can sit up now.” Placing his palm around the back of my neck and lifting me forward. I towel dry it the best I can. In hindsight, I should have packed a few essentials like underwear, makeup, clothes and a hair dryer, but I didn’t know I was going to run away.

  “Well, how does it look?” I ask.

  “It’s pretty bright, but it suits you.”

  “I actually feel free for once.”

  “It’s amazing what a box of cheap hair dye can do.”

  “We must find your friend and thank him. Can I ask what you’ve told him about me?”

  “That’s the thing, I haven’t, not one thing. I’ve only met the guy once, very briefly. But it was weird, like strange weird, he seemed to know an awful lot about me. He arrived just before you did.” Ash chews on the side of his mouth. “It’s weird, right?”

  “Very, but the guy seems to be on our side.” He passes me his brush, I drag it through my damp hair. When I’m happy it’s detangled and almost dry, I tie the blue silk scarf around it.

  “It’s sunny out. Do you want to borrow a t-shirt?” He grabs a white one from the pile and throws it at me.

  “Thanks.” I wait for him to turn his back whilst I change.

  “Well?” I hold out my arms for inspection. “It’s a little baggy.”

  “A little baggy? You could fit two of you in there.” He smirks. “You look so different to when we first met.”

  “Bad different?”

  “Not good or bad, just different. No one will recognise you from your T.V. show now.”

  “Hope not.” Staring at him for so long that his face blurs until I’m almost looking through him. How can I possibly tell him the truth now? I should’ve just come clean to begin with. He’s been nothing but honest with me. Will he be angry? Look at me differently? Will he still be my friend?

  “Hey!” He clicks his fingers under my nose. “Come back to me.”

  “Sorry, I totally phased out there for a second.” I laugh, but my conscience is screaming at me to tell him the truth. I’m scared that if I do that he won’t look at me like Ellie the girl anymore. Will he just see Ellie the Princess, just like everyone else does? Will he close himself off from me? Send me away? Every hour I spend with him, I get to know him a little more and I like him — like really like him. I like the girl I’m allowed to be with him. How can I ever go back to my gilded cage now that I’ve just started to fly?

  5: Ash

  If I squint hard, it could almost be my mother standing there in those clothes with that striking red hair. My eyes refocus on the young, stunning face of Ellie. Her eyes still flicker with immense sadness, but occasionally, like now, they’re warm and inviting.

  I want to remember every moment with her, because I know in my gut that she won’t choose me. Any second she could leave as quickly as she came. Maybe our paths will cross again someday, someday when I’ve graduated and have more to offer her. Four, possibly five years seems a hell of a long time to wait and by then she’ll have moved on and forgotten our secret time together. Maybe she doesn’t feel the connection between us like I do…

  “And look,” she says, breaking me from my thoughts, “I can walk much better today, see?” She walks around the barn and does a cute little spin, eventually standing in front of me. “I mean, I won’t be doing any marathons for a while, but it certainly hurts less.”

  “I told you, you’d be okay. So, hospital?” I offer her my arm and she wraps hers around it, like we’re a real couple. In my head, I dare to daydream that we are. Does she see me as a friend or if she playing make-believe too?

  We bus the three miles to hospital. I can’t expect her to walk that far, not just yet. On entering the building, she looks surprised when the staff we pass welcome us. She’s very quiet when I introduce her to people. I expect she doesn’t want to linger too long in case someone watches her show and she’s ousted.

  “Here, I almost forgot.” Pulling the fake glasses from my coat pocket, placing them on her face. “Better?”

  “Much better, thank you.”

  “Well if it worked for Clark Kent…” I chuckle. “No one should even suspect now.”

  We walk through the corridors until we reach the children’s wa

  “Here we are.”

  “The Peter & Wendy ward.” She reads the sign above the door. “Cute.”

  “Yeah, all the wards have fun names. The baby care unit’s, ‘The Pumpkin Patch.’ The elderly ward is, ‘Over the Rainbow,’ and intensive care, we call that, ‘The Sleeping Beauties,’ and so on.”

  “Have you always wanted to be a doctor?”

  “When I was little, mum bought me one of those dress up doctor kits and a plastic stethoscope. Bet I annoyed everyone trying to listen to their hearts, that’s if they had one of course.”

  “I wish I’d known you then.” She smiles up at me.

  “Me too.” I take hold of her hand. “Right, are you ready for this?”

  “I guess,” she says, blowing her cheeks out.

  “Then stop looking so frightened. They’re just kids.”

  “That’s why I’m frightened. Kids are always so honest. What if they don’t like me?”

  “Are you crazy? What’s not to like? Come on, stick with me and you’ll do fine.” I squeeze her hand, dragging her inside.

  “Morning Claire.” I greet the nurse in charge of the ward and introduce her to Ellie. She smiles and continues to make the beds, letting me have a little time with the kids under her watchful gaze.

  “Hey, Ash!” Little Mia runs at me, throwing her arms around my waist. I notice her hair is almost gone now, apart from a small blonde wispy piece that sits defiantly atop her head.

  “Hey, how’s my best patient today?” I put my hands on her shoulders.

  “Good. I’ve missed you. Who’s she?” Mia glares at Ellie.

  “This is my very special friend, Ellie. Ellie meet Mia.”

  “Hi.” Ellie waves. Every kid on the ward has stopped to stare at us.

  “Everyone! Say hi to Ellie.”

  “Hi, Ellie,” they chorus back.

  “Ellie really, really wanted to meet you all and look,” I hold up her ball gown, “Who wants to play princess?” Children swarm around us, grab the dress and argue who’ll wear it first.

  “Are you Ash’s girlfriend?” Rosie, one of the quieter girls stands before us.

  “Oh…err…” Ellie blushes and I take it as a sign of hope, when I’d never dared to hope before, this could mean that she likes me back. After all, she hasn’t flat out denied it. My chest tightens when she doesn’t laugh at the idea, meaning that she hasn’t completely ruled it out.

  “We’re just great friends, Rosie. Is that okay?” I bend to her level.

  “Yes. Because you’re marrying me when I get much, much taller,” she announces.

  “Oh, right you are then.” I look to Ellie for help.

  “What, you must know all these kids love you? Just look at them all. You’re the next best thing to Santa Claus.” She gestures around the room and they all seem to be competing for my attention in some way.

  “So, you’ll marry me? And she’s just a friend?” Rosie tugs on my shirtsleeve.

  “Please.” Ellie bends too, “Don’t be jealous. Ash here has a very big heart and has plenty of love for everyone.” She catches my eye and now I think I’m the one turning a funny shade of pink. Looking away, trying to hide my huge stupid grin, which I seem to have absolutely no control over.

  “Right then!” I stand, clapping my hands to get their attention. “Who wants a story?” The children squeal and form a circle on the floor. I glance at Ellie and notice the sadness returning in her eyes as she surveys each child.

  I begin to read The Princess and the Frog, which is one of their favourites. Mia’s ended up sitting on Ellie’s knee and they both seem quite content. I watch her all morning off and on. She’s a natural with them. And by lunchtime, she’s like The Pied Piper with kids just hanging off her every word; some literally just hang off her. Most of them have forgotten I’m even here, but I don’t mind at all. Ellie’s special somehow and people just naturally seem to gravitate towards her.

  One of the girls, Paige, who’s been burned quite badly and is undergoing long, arduous skin grafts, stands in front of me, drowned by Ellie’s dress.

  “Ash, look. I’m a princess.”

  “Are you sure it’s okay to have this fabric so near to your skin?” I ask.

  “I’ll take it off in five more minutes. I promise.”

  “Okay then.” I bow to her. “It’s an honour to meet you, Your Highness. You are looking most radiant today.” I notice Ellie watching me from the corner of the room. Her eyes are wide like she’s witnessed something terrible. Maybe I’m just imagining it; because when I glance again she’s all smiles. I study her intently while she sings nursery rhymes with a small group of boys. Her sweet voice has stopped everyone in their tracks. Even a few nurses passing by are standing in the doorway, grinning.

  Ellie catches me staring and then notices that everyone’s staring. She blushes profusely. I simply can’t take my eyes off her. She captivates me in ways I’d never imagined before. A warm, fuzzy feeling rises up my body. I feel hot, dizzy and a little bit giddy, like I’ve had a shot of my father’s whisky or ten. And that’s when it hits me; this is what love feels like. I’m in love with her! Am I? Surely this is all too sudden? I’m staring at her, like she’s some kind of miracle. I feel like the luckiest man on the planet that she chose my barn to stumble into. Could this really happen? Could she feel the same? A wide, manic grin takes over my face. This must be love. I never expected I’d be lucky enough to find it. How can I have fallen so quickly? I’ve known her for like a minute. How did this happen? Why didn’t I put up more of a fight? Because I didn’t want to, that’s why. I knew she was special the moment I saw her. I tried to fight it. My skin tingles, like little electric shocks reaching to my nerve ends. Our eyes meet, and she returns my goofy smile. I’m in love and think the whole world can see it.

  “Ash, Ash!” I shake myself mentally. Mia is tugging on my trousers. “Why are you so happy today?”

  “Don’t I usually look happy?”

  “Not like today, you don’t.” She crosses her arms.

  “Maybe I am. Maybe I’m less of a grumpy head today?” I tease.

  “Hmm, okay then.” She narrows her eyes on mine.

  Shit. If a six-year-old can see it, will Ellie? Will it scare her away? Will she run from me too? I can’t scare her off, not now I’ve only just found her.

  “Okay everyone, sadly it’s time for us to leave.” We get lots of, “Awwws” in return. “But I’ll be back soon, promise.”

  “Will you come back too, Ellie?” One of the newer boys asks.

  “Of course.” She beams. “I’ve had a lovely time meeting you all.”

  We hug and wave our goodbyes and eventually escape. She is unusually quiet; I notice her eyes watering.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” I ask, putting my arm around her shoulders.

  “Nothing. I’ve just enjoyed this so much. I never really get to be with normal people, you know? Some of these kids are really sick and not once did any of them complain. And then you look at me, moaning because I’m not content with living a good, wealthy, carefree life. Because I’m stuck in a life, which has parties, designer shoes and rich men who want to marry me. There’s so much suffering out there that I never really thought about before. I’m so selfish.”

  I thumb away the tears that are now freely rolling over her cheeks.

  “Look at me.” She does. “If you want to change your life, only you can do that. All I can do is be here for you. I will always promise you that, okay?”

  “You will?” She sniffles.

  “I never lie.” I pull her into a hug. “Come on. Dry your eyes, we’re off to visit the old folks now. If you think you can manage it?”


  “And if you’re crying they’ll blame me.” She splutters a laugh and I feel that warm glow racing through me again. “That’s better. The old timers can be pretty sharp. Watch out for Betty. Not much gets past her.” Taking her hand, leading her down another corridor.

sp; “Betty?”

  “Yeah, she thinks she’s psychic or something.”

  “And is she?” Ellie’s eyes widen.

  “Who knows? She’s never got me right once.”


  “She told me once, often tells me actually, that she sees a throne in my future! How funny is that? The only throne in my future is the one I have to clean up at the house.” I chuckle at the absurdity. She’s not smiling, and I wonder if this is all too much for her. Maybe meeting so many people at once is completely overwhelming. Maybe she’s missing home?

  6: Ellie

  Watching him with those kids, he looked so free, so relaxed like he belonged there. He knows his purpose in life and will do everything he can to achieve it. I couldn’t help but be drawn in by his magnetism. These kids were like little batteries feeding his spirit, driving him onwards. I never thought I’d meet someone with as much passion as Ash has shown me.

  “You ready to meet Betty and the gang?” He wiggles his brows.

  “They can’t be that scary. I mean, how intimidating can a bunch of old people be?”

  “Be careful what you say. Most of them may have hearing aids, but these walls have very big ears. Come on, I’ll introduce you.” He ushers me through the doors to the, ‘Over the Rainbow’ ward.

  “Ashley James Thompson!” An old lady with a slight hunchback, beckons us over. “Let me look at you! You handsome boy!” I laugh at Ash’s bashfulness.

  “So, does everybody here adore you?” He grimaces when the lady reaches up to pinch his cheeks.

  “Hey, Aida. How are you today?”

  “What? Speak up boy!”

  “Have you switched it on?” He mouths slowly, pointing to her ear.

  “Silly me!” She laughs and fiddles with the hearing aid.

  “Ashley!” An old guy shuffles toward us with a walking frame. “Come here, son.” Ash is pulled into a bear hug.